Over the last few weeks I have been so down, not really knowing why, wanted attention and not go any, am hating everything in my life but as my good friend @tarquydrawers said, look where I was this time last year, so this blog is going to do that.
This time last year I was facing being out of work as my contract was not being renewed. My happy pills were causing problems with my bladder so I was coming off them to try a different one. My house was on the market and in a terrible state. I was binge drinking and making myself very ill, physically and mentally, including taking overdoses when drunk as it seemed like a good idea. My general view on life was that I was tired and wanted it all to end.
So what is different this year, I have a fabulous job for the money I wanted to be earning and am doing very well at it. I have joined a gym and am fighting to get my fitness back and self respect. I do not drink. Even though I rehomed two cats last year I have given a poor lost cat a lovely new home where he is very loved by me and the girls. I have a lodger who is friendly and seems to like me for who I am. I have re-invented myself with a new hairstyle and a brand new tattoo. My house is looking lovely as I redecorated last year. I know how to crochet, cross stitch and am learning to sketch.
The negative things in my life at the moment are that I cant seem to have any willpower to diet or go to the gym regularly, I still feel very sorry for myself and demand attention, then throw a wobbly when I dont get attention and cut those people out from my life. I have arrears on my mortgage which are being paid each month, I have trouble sleeping which makes me tired and irratible, which then makes me in a bad mood because I hate being miserable to people. I have an addiction to Co-Codomal so much that I take 6 or 8 at a time and they have no effect on me now.
Plan of action to make more out of my life, be thankful for the roof over my head and for the unconditional love shown to me by 5 little faces every time I see them. Research into a good diet that I can stick to, one that is not too expensive and easy to follow and prepare. Make a rota and exercise plan for the gym. Be thankful that I have a good job, one where I am appreciated. Clear mortgage arrears and get IVA sorted for unsecured debt.
So from next week I will be starting my plan of action and will try not to be so hard on those around me just because I am tired and miserable.
Shellie B