I had quite a lazy day yesterday, my Cruse lady cancelled so I decided I did not need to do things with urgency and spent most of the day sitting at my PC, I completely redesigned my blog, I hope you all like it, as I learn I am sure I will be able to add more to it but I am very proud of how it looks and cant stop looking at it, yes I am a saddo hehehehe. The only reason I stopped sitting at my PC was because Angel ran over and started biting my feet, it was her cheeky way of telling me it was feeding time as it was nearly 6pm, I couldn't stop laughing at how cheeky and clever she was. Tiffany my eldest cat has regressed to a kitten or has senile dementure as she seems to like to play hide and seek with me, jumps out at me with no warning and then zooms off for me to find her, completely bonkers household!!!!
Well I did not attempt any crochet yesterday as I ran out of time but I did go and change the wool, was more expensive but hopefully it will be easier to use, on my journey out yesterday I also discovered that a quite run down looking garden/fish/pet shop thingy is actually a haven of cheap bits and bobs, balls of wool for only £1.19 and incense sticks, packs of 20 for only 49p, they are like a very cheap Homebase and have practically everything in there, they will now be on my list of places to visit regularly, especially as I am on a budget. They had some cute bunnies for only £5, if I still had my rabbit hutch I may have been tempted to buy one, I did then ponder about cleaning the fish tank out that is in the shed and maybe get some fish, but I have no where to put it as a set of sockets where it was before have decided to not work anymore, I might still decide to do this and maybe get the cats a fish each for xmas!
Apart from doing a load of washing and hoovering that was the extent of my day which was finished off by doing some more cross stitch whilst watching TV, picture above of what it now looks like, I still have the sky, butterflies, wording and outlining to do.
Not sure what my plans are today but I do need to start up my daily walks again, I have uploaded the first Sookie Stackhouse book to my MP3 player all ready and I then I think I will have a Crochet lesson. The house is very quite, Tiffany is curled up in a ball on the sofa and I think Abigail and Angel are out causing havoc in the neighbourhood.
I will leave you all with this cute picture of Tiffany all snuggly on the fleece blankets,
Shellie B xxx
Free Crochet Pattern Little Bear Amigurumi
3 weeks ago
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