Well I am not quite sure what has happened to me beginning of this year, I am very demoralised, sluggish, demotivated and just generally fed up, so much for my positive start to the New Year, I am going to put it down to the change of my meds again and them not having time to be working yet!!!!
Finally got my crochet hooks out again as really need to get some sales in my Folksy shop, not one this year yet *sob sob*, it is so difficult to know what is going to appeal to people out there, I may even resort to trying to sell on Ebay, especially as I am signed off for a further 2 months so I need some extra money to help survive.
Those of you reading my blog will get a sneaky peak preview of the new scarf I am going to be listing today, I love the colour so much that I am going to keep this for myself and make some mitt mitts in the same colour:
Its a very delicate scarf using a "Strawberry" pattern, which you can make out if you look closely, I also decided to make some mittens, even though I love fingerless gloves, I found my hands get so cold when de-icing the car or out walking the dog, I didnt want to just to plain ones and again wanted to discover a new stitch, so these are made with "Bobble" stitch:
Today I am going to try and make something for Valentines day that to put in my shop, I am also going to amend all my prices to include p&p, as I dont know about you but sometimes when I look for stuff and think its affordable, I have forgotten about the p&p and it is then out of my price range, hopefully this will be more appealing to people too.
I have joined a "weight loss" group on Twitter, #1babyelephant, but am not consciously dieting as budget only allows me so much to spend on food, which is not enough to buy lovely healthy stuff, but I am trying to start my walking every day again.
On a happy note I have treated myself to a new bed as I have, for the last few months, been sleeping on an airbed which is ok when you first get in it but it seems to go down during the night, its very "cold" to sleep on, I also struggle getting up from floor level so spend about 10 mins rolling around the bedroom trying to get up, god I bet my mum is having a good old giggle at her silly daughter when she looks in on me from beyond!!!!
Shellie B
Free Crochet Pattern Little Bear Amigurumi
3 weeks ago
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