Thursday, 17 February 2011

Head in the clouds

Well as the title says I really have had my head in the clouds this week:

I have been to the lovely Emerald Isle with work, its been a hectic week but WOW what an amazing time I have had and Galway is lovely and so is everyone who lives there.  I must admit I was a bit scared with I saw the plane that I was going in and a wave of claustrophobia set in but was ok once I was safely in my seat and never took my seat belt off for the whole flight, we took off from Luton airport around 8.30pm on Monday..

Galway at Night

The flight stopped off at Waterford, we picked up a couple of people and then headed to Galway, we landed 30 mins early but nice man on the desk called the pre-booked taxi for me and they came straight away to get me, checked in to the hotel only to find the card used to book the room had been declined but they were very understanding and said it could be sorted the next day.  Hotel was sooooooooooo posh, my room was like a little apartment, I felt like a celebrity being away on a work trip and surrounding by luxury.

I unpacked, which was handy as I found the kettle and tea/coffee in one of them, made a decaf coffee and had a shower, I finally fell into bed around 12am.

Had a few hours sleep and then went and had my full irish brekkie before being picked up at 10am, that night I went to the Bistro and had a dinner instead of sitting in the room on my own.

It was soon time to pack and leave for the airport again, got a better view this time of the aircraft and as we left about 5.45pm yesterday I actually got to see more out of the window:


Arrived back into Luton around 8pm, SlinkyLynne picked me up and treated me to chippies, then after driving home I got back around 11pm, I think I am going to have a good rest this weekend after a very hectic first week but I am in my element and loving it!!!!

Shellie B

1 comment:

  1. Yay hellooooo Shellie! Your room looks very posh! I'm so very, very pleased for you x what an adventure you're having! It's just amazing how your life has changed in such a short space of time. Onwards & upwards!

    Love & hugs,

    Jo x o x o


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