Well I knew it couldnt last, whenever I love something, put my heart and soul into it, it always comes to an abrupt end and so it has happened again, I tried not to get too involved with it all but I was so in my element and loved the variety I just couldnt help it.
What am I referring to you all ask................my job. I have not been this heartbroken for a long long time but after biting my tongue for so long regarding a work colleague and then having our 2nd sit down with a manager present, I just cannot see things improving so I have resigned. They said it would have to be escalated and the Managing Director would have to make a decision, so I have done that for them, I was last in so I should be the first to go.
What bought all this on you ask? My colleague and fellow Account Manager just cannot communicate with me, he does not seem capable of offering the correct support to my clients, will not tell me when he is dealing with any of my clients, which incidently I copy him into every email I respond to on his behalf and email him a note if I have helped someone over the telephone, can he do this for me NO and I believe the reason he wont is because he knows he cant help them.
Example 1: client rang up who should only be able to view 2 areas within the business to manage with, they could see everyone, did he know what to do? NO, did he ask me? NO he called the guy in Ireland who isnt familiar with the account! He has been with the company for 9 months, I have been with the company 1.5 months, do I know my accounts inside out? NO As soon as I searched for the customer I could see they had TWO admin profiles set up on the account, 1 correctly and 1 incorreclty, SIMPLE but could he see that NO! I called the customer back, explained what had happened, got him to log in again, all hunky dory.
Example 2: client rang up as could not log into system, they forwarded the email to him with the link on, this person worked for Company B and a link from the email took them to Company A, could he work this out, NO but he did send her the correct link so at least she could log in this time. So I asked the email to be forwarded to me, it was a request for a new password, obviously as she could not log in she thought she had forgotten the password. I contacted the customer to enquire how she initially got to that Link, she had it set in her favourites which means next time she uses the system she will get the same problem and be very frustrated, the said person is a PA to someone very high up in that company. So I asked for her to delete the link in her favourites and sent her the correct link to save instead, SIMPLE.
Does any of the above sound difficult to anyone? would you need lengthly training to know how an account worked? Am I being too harsh when I honestly (in our open discussion meeting) said I didn't want him dealing with any of my accounts as he doesnt do enough investigation into the actual ROOT problem, ask me if he doesnt know and does not then let me know they called or needed support.
I tried so hard to be open in the meeting so that we could try and get some kind of working relationship going but after being called Silver Tongued, talked over with a raised voice (even the director had to ask him to lower his voice) and raising their eyes to the ceilng everytime I spoke, I just could not take anymore.
I loved my job so much, I have achieved so much in the short time I have been there, I have won round 2 accounts that were on the verge of leaving and even got an order worth £4.5K out of one of them which everyone was gobsmacked about, well apart from you know who.
It was never my intention to go in and cause any friction or push anyone out of a job, I have just gone in and been conscientious, hardworking, passionate, helpful and maybe a bit too nurturing over my own accounts, but I am not going to apologise for my work ethics, I pride myself so much on the quality of my work but I can only take so much from someone who will not work with me or ridicules me for working extra hours, I just hope my fellow colleagues will be truthful if questioned about certain things.
I was hoping by putting all this on my blog it would help me put everything in perspective but I just cant stop crying, this was my last chance to keep my home, car and belongs. I am not sure where I go from here or how it will all turn out...................
Shellie B
Free Crochet Pattern Little Bear Amigurumi
3 weeks ago
Sorry to hear about all this, I sincerely hope it isn't final and that they will consider the situation and sort this friction out so you can stay there.
Have they accepted your resignation. What upsets me is that he may walk out on the job in a while anyway and you have been lost in the current fall out. :(
ReplyDeleteI so wish I'd come back to your blog 2 wks ago. I hope this worked out OK... I'll read yr later posts.
You've done the right thing, been honest. Management will be able to see what's going on.
Keep the customer at the centre of the discussions, make sure they know you don't want to cause problems... just deliver excellent customer service.
Make sure your manager/MD knows this:
"I loved my job so much, I have achieved so much in the short time I have been there, I have won round 2 accounts that were on the verge of leaving and even got an order worth £4.5K out of one of them which everyone was gobsmacked about, well apart from you know who."
Good luck