Those that know me know that I normally wait until about September when the Garden is overgrown to do anything about it but after my mammoth revamp of the house and garden last year I decided to start early, hopefully that it will be easier to keep on top off it all. I started on the front garden as this is what everyone who comes to my house sees, here are some before and after photos.

I seem to have to this stuff that is like a huge spider and branches out all over the place, its easy to pick out but there is so much of it, I still have lots do to on the main bit but my hands and back have given up on me and I still have the ironing to do, not bad though for me as I normally can only manage a very small bit at a time.
Tiffany, Angel and Abigail did venture out to see what I was up to, Angel decided to hide in the recyle bin, Tiffany kept watch at the gate to make sure no rubbish came flying in and Abigail helped flatten the weeds!!!!!!!
Shellie B
its looking lovely - ive been out too doing the garden - whole different ballgame with the dogs additions. I love it when its all goes green again. - bought some tiny cheap plants from aldi which im nurturing and planted last years nastertiun seeds - I really want to plant some morning glory as I love the colour and they climb.